Posts in astrology
Rip + Tan Feature: New Moon in Leo
artwork by Savannah King

artwork by Savannah King

Leo is warm and generous, shining its light for all to see. Entertaining and enterprising, it’s fueled by creative fire. It’s not surprising then that Leo is ruled by the Sun, the very source of life. Leos rarely shy away from the spotlight, craving attention and praise.

This New Moon, which forms a supportive trine to grounded, structured Saturn in belief-oriented Sagittarius, offers us an opportunity to anchor in our creativity and spunk. If we believe we can, we can.

Courage is the theme here. After all, it requires a certain level gumption to put oneself out there creatively, and to express one’s true self. The root of the word courage can be found in the French wordcoeur, which means heart. It’s in our hearts that we find our fortitude and determination. What makes your heart sing? What fans your flame? Where can you call yourself forward?

Creativity is not limited to painting, writing, or design. It’s a way of life. When we engage with our heart, opening to the possibilities before us, we are living a creative life. When we set heartfelt intentions and take actions to support those intentions, we are living a creative life. The world reflects our beliefs back to us. This New Moon, why not tune into your inner light and show it what you’re made of?

For more on Danielle’s work, visit:

Art by Savannah Lauren King:

RIP + TAN Feature: New Moon in Gemini

The first official month of the summer season, June is usually filled with all kinds of fun opportunities. Interestingly enough, this year it also coincides with a new moon in Gemini, which Danielle Beinstein, Los Angeles astrologer and meditation guide, told us is also about new experiences and discoveries. Here she explains a little bit more about about this adventurous new cycle. If you live in the Los Angeles area or are planning a visit, be sure to check out one of Danielle’s New Moon Circle events in Venice. XXJKE


Danielle Beinstein:  Gemini is the curious networker, full of wit, charm, and ideas as it moves from one scene to the next. It’s known as The Twins, able to play both sides with equal aplomb. This New Moon involves all four mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. These signs adapt, acclimating to whatever circumstances they’re in. With Gemini’s ruler, Mercury (planet of communication), now direct in fixed, earthy Taurus, we should be careful not to overcommit. Our words continue to have weight, so let’s pause before committing, choosing heartfelt inspired action over fear and insecurity.

Options, this New Moon is all about options. We may feel scattered, pulled in various directions and overwhelmed. It may be challenging to pin down what is next or what is real. Things may feel surreal or unstable. We may feel disillusioned, disoriented, or confused. But herein lies the opportunity, the gift. How can we adapt, juggling all that’s in front of us, while committing to what has value and weight? What interests us, peaks our curiosity? Can we follow it without attachment to outcome, rooting ourselves in the moment of discovery itself? Can we ground in the here and now and trust our inner knowing, embracing uncertainty as a teacher? And can we maintain our faith, knowing that everything that happens to us, ultimately happens for us?

Gemini is a joy-filled, delightful sign. Play, learn, socialize, move about, have fun. Be in the moment—it’s always where the magic is.


For more on Danielle’s work, visit

Art by Savannah King,


New Moon In Aries

Savannah King

"New Moon in ARIES | Feeling the need to break free, to unshackle yourself and start anew? This is the burst into Spring we've been waiting for. Aries is the warrior, the go getter that leaps into the unknown, discovering the world and itself in the process. We can expect the unexpected with this one, with Uranus conjunct, Saturn retrograde trine and transformative Pluto square, as we're called forward in profound and daring ways. Who are we now versus who we were in 2012? Are we finally ready to release all the limiting beliefs and stale ideas that are holding us back? Where can we commit to radical change, to finally saying yes to ourselves, our desires and our dreams? And where are we willing to go all in, to start the journey, even if all we know is the very first step?" Daneille Beinstein

Rip + Tan Feature

Moon Cycles with Danielle Beinstein: New Moon in Aries

Savannah King


APRIL 7, 2016 filed under: MIND & BODYWELLNESS tagged with: danielle beinsteinnew moon

 It’s amazing what we can learn from each new moon cycle if we open ourselves to its lessons. This time, sharing her knowledge on the matter is astrologer, meditation guide and spiritual advisor Danielle Beinstein. I met Danielle—who also cofounded New Moon Circle—through a friend and as I’ve come to know her I’ve realized how passionate she is about her work. 

Danielle leads women’s circles and regularly shares her understanding of both new moons and full moons on her Instagram. She’s done my chart and also my kids’, and they were incredibly informative, especially when paired with her thoughtful explanations. I was thrilled she was willing to share her wisdom on New Moons with Rip & Tan. Here, Danielle guides us through the New Moon in Aries, which calls us to discover ourselves and take steps forward. I hope you find it inspiring! XXJKE 


Danielle Beinstein: New Moons occur once every 28 days, when the sun and moon meet at the exact same degree. Whereas Full Moons are about illumination and release, New Moons offer us profound opportunities to set intentions and begin anew. They call us forward. This New Moon in Aries is no different, beckoning us to venture into the unknown. Aries is the go-getter, the self-starter, inspiring others with its enterprising, no-holds-barred manner. Aries is where we leap into the unknown and discover ourselves in the process. It’s brave and bold, concerned only with what will advance its cause. 

This New Moon conjunct liberator Uranus, trine belief-restructuring Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius and square profoundly transformative Pluto in Capricorn, is the burst forward we’ve been anticipating these past couple of months. We may experience the unexpected as we are moved to experiment outside of our comfort zone. We may feel called to ask ourselves where in our lives we are ready to make a radical change. Where can we birth ourselves anew? What actions are we willing to commit to, right here and right now, to liberate ourselves from the muck that has been holding us back? And where are we willing to embrace beginner’s mind, knowing that the wisest among us are always those willing to play the fool? 

Truth is, we don’t need to know our exact destination in order to begin a new journey. It may sound strange, but it’s not the destination that matters, it’s how we show up for each step. Trust is essential. We will collect all the things we need along the way. It’s the stepping that matters, that progresses us in a new direction, even if that step is committing to a new belief system. It’s our ideas about the world, after all, that shape our lens, our experience of it. 

When I took the leap from media to spiritual counseling and writing, I had no idea how it would pan out. I only knew I needed to listen to my heart and communicate my truth. The more I leaned into that awareness, the clearer things became. Opportunities appeared on my path seemingly out of the blue. Doors opened up. Conversely, when I tried to orchestrate a certain outcome, it backfired. This New Moon is a great reminder to have faith in our own inspired action, to jump in, no matter where it leads. How else are we to discover ourselves? 


For more on Danielle’s work, visit

Art by Savannah King,