Posts tagged lion
Animal Instinct

The first round of animal amulets is now live in the shop! I’m excited to share the magic of these majestic creatures! Let me know which spirit animals you’d like to see next!

Rip + Tan Feature: New Moon in Leo
artwork by Savannah King

artwork by Savannah King

Leo is warm and generous, shining its light for all to see. Entertaining and enterprising, it’s fueled by creative fire. It’s not surprising then that Leo is ruled by the Sun, the very source of life. Leos rarely shy away from the spotlight, craving attention and praise.

This New Moon, which forms a supportive trine to grounded, structured Saturn in belief-oriented Sagittarius, offers us an opportunity to anchor in our creativity and spunk. If we believe we can, we can.

Courage is the theme here. After all, it requires a certain level gumption to put oneself out there creatively, and to express one’s true self. The root of the word courage can be found in the French wordcoeur, which means heart. It’s in our hearts that we find our fortitude and determination. What makes your heart sing? What fans your flame? Where can you call yourself forward?

Creativity is not limited to painting, writing, or design. It’s a way of life. When we engage with our heart, opening to the possibilities before us, we are living a creative life. When we set heartfelt intentions and take actions to support those intentions, we are living a creative life. The world reflects our beliefs back to us. This New Moon, why not tune into your inner light and show it what you’re made of?

For more on Danielle’s work, visit:

Art by Savannah Lauren King:

Artwork by Savannah King from The New Moon Circle Journal

Artwork by Savannah King from The New Moon Circle Journal

I'm in New York awaiting tomorrow's Leo full moon and a blizzard that's moving up the coast. I'm grateful for the storm, for the cold, because it offers time to go inward. The beginning of 2016 has been bringing in some major soul searching, excavating the past to break into the future with love. This moon will shine light on the shadows so I open my heart to it's truth. 

"LEO full moon | Leo is the star, the shining one, radiating warmth for all to see. This Full Moon (opposite the Sun in Aquarius) is a bit layered as Mercury retro conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn and Mars in Scorpio trines Neptune in Scorpio. The mood is deep, as we contemplate the structures of our lives, reassess and let go of what no longer serves. Makes me think of this painting by Manet. The subject, Berthe Morisot (herself an Impressionist painter), seems to be in mourning, bearing some kind of secret. And yet, is she not the star of the painting, front and center for all to see? Are you willing to show up for yourself, not in spite of but perhaps because of all you have seen, witnessed? Are you you yourself willing to be seen? Exposed? Or are you pretending to cower in the corner, afraid that you don't measure up? This Full Moon offers us a profound opportunity to stand up in who we are, releasing our fears and self-doubt, the (very) old patterns that threaten to rob us of the light we crave, the light we are |" Danielle Beinstein