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RIP + Tan: New Moon in Scorpio
by Savannah King

by Savannah King

If you follow our monthly series with astrologer Danielle Beinstein you know that each New Moon presents a fresh opportunity for spiritual growth and emotional reflection. While last month was all about making sense of our relationships, this month’s New Moon is more about working on ourselves. This is a chance for us to pause and look honestly at our own darkness, and our ability to be vulnerable to the truth. By digging deeper now, Danielle explains, we’re paving the way for a more conscious and honest future. XXJKE


It’s easy, given the speed at which we live, to get lost in the details, in what we can physically see, what’s tangible. But so much of life is energetic. It’s what’s left unsaid, what’s exchanged in the spaces between. This New Moon in Scorpio—which is conjunct with Mercury and trine with illusory, ethereal Neptune in Pisces—asks that we peek behind the veil. Scorpio is a penetrative sign, peeling back the layers, piece by piece. Scorpio does not suffer fools gladly. It sees what others are unwilling to see, what lurks within and behind the shadows. It understands that it’s in our depths that we find our wholeness and discover true intimacy. Supremely focused and directed, it’s not interested in anything less. In short, for this sign, intensity is the name of the game.

Thus this New Moon offers us a chance to come home to ourselves, to reconcile our light and our dark with the understanding that to be alive is to be entangled. Building self-trust, and listening to our gut, is a vital process. Are we willing to accept our darkness, our shadow? How comfortable are we with our own vulnerability and with others’? Are we taking things at face value or are we trusting our instincts, listening within?

Let’s take some time to journal, to pause and reflect on these questions. Our future selves will thank us. After all, the more self-awareness we have today, the more conscious our choices will be tomorrow.


Danielle Beinstein 

Art: Savannah King
Astrology: Danielle Beinstein

Full Moon in Aquarius
Artwork by Savannah King

Artwork by Savannah King

"Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in AQUARIUS | Aquarius is the friend, the brilliant, future-minded thinker. This lunar eclipse opposite the show stopping, big hearted, generous Sun in Leo brings us a moment of lightning bolt clarity, piercing the veil of drama. Aquarius can feel aloof, but that's only because its got its mind on the bigger picture. It feels weighed down by heavy emotional scenes, choosing to focus its energy on the collective instead. Where have we been participating and perpetuating drama? Are we willing to free ourselves (no judgment if we're not)? How in acceptance are we of our differences? Of our need for space? Life is a dance, always. So can we be ok with all of it, including the drama, as we step back and, with a wide angle lens, and take it all in? Can we be a true friend, to ourselves and others?" -Danielle Beinstein

FULL MOON in Sagittarius

artwork by Savannah KIng

SAGITTARIUS Full Moon | Sagittarius is the explorer, the wisdom seeker, the story weaver, forever in search of new lands, literally and/or metaphorically. This Full Moon, conjunct Mars retrograde and opposite the witty, curious, chatty Sun in Gemini and Venus in earthy, weighted Taurus packs a punch. Seemingly frustrated by our lack of forward movement (4 planets retrograde still), we may feel the desire to preach or "tell it like it is." But there are many sides to a story, and righteousness, while sometimes admirable, rarely leads to deeper connection (Donald Trump was born during a Sagittarius Full Moon). There is a strong divide in the sky, a you vs. me mentality reigns supreme. Where in our lives are we determined to be right, no matter the cost? What if we reframed our position, spun it from another view? What are the stories we're telling ourselves about who and what we are, the possibilities of our lives and our values? And how can we continue to adapt, recognizing that certainty is an illusion, born from fear? "Life will be a great and continuous unfolding," Cheryl Strayed wrote. What's the latest chapter?

Insight by Danielle Beinstein and The New Moon Circle

New Moon In Aries

Savannah King

"New Moon in ARIES | Feeling the need to break free, to unshackle yourself and start anew? This is the burst into Spring we've been waiting for. Aries is the warrior, the go getter that leaps into the unknown, discovering the world and itself in the process. We can expect the unexpected with this one, with Uranus conjunct, Saturn retrograde trine and transformative Pluto square, as we're called forward in profound and daring ways. Who are we now versus who we were in 2012? Are we finally ready to release all the limiting beliefs and stale ideas that are holding us back? Where can we commit to radical change, to finally saying yes to ourselves, our desires and our dreams? And where are we willing to go all in, to start the journey, even if all we know is the very first step?" Daneille Beinstein