Posts tagged Big Ringer
Alchemical Marriage

It’s the last day to see Big Ringer  at Andrew Edlin Gallery in New York. Over 100 artists were asked to reimagine the engagement ring.

This is my creation! The Alchemical Marriage is represented here by the Solar and Lunar Serpents intertwined around a Precious Opal embodying the sacred union of opposites.

Big Ringer Exhibition

I’m honored to participate in Big Ringer at Andrew Edlin Gallery! Please join the opening if you are in NYC.

Reception: Saturday, April 27th, 6 - 8 pm

Andrew Edlin Gallery presents Big Ringer, a celebration of artists and artisans from many fields reimagining the engagement ring, organized by Andrew Guenther.

Prior to our modern understanding of the circulatory system, many believed a vein ran directly from the fourth finger of the left hand to the heart. The vena amoris, or vein of love, was seen as the conduit to a loved one's heart. Placing a wedding band or engagement ring on this finger was meant to be a supernatural link to the wearer's partner, a symbol of unity. Over time, rings have grown in size and opulence, carrying heavier cultural expectations.

 We asked over 100 artists to create “rings” of any material, no larger than 5 inches in any direction. Given the task of re-envisioning such a weighty and symbolic object, the artists in Big Ringer have created rings from diverse perspectives including honesty, apprehension, optimism and cynicism. 

212 Bowery
New York, NY 10012

T 212-206-9723

Tuesday through Saturday
10:00 am to 6:00 pm